Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our amazing kids!!!

Cam has become such a great little person. Her personality and energy are infectious. She loves everyone, but must have it her way (we are working on that). She loves to help and is one tough cookie.

If there is an audience it must be time to perform. And someone new is always the best!!

We are so grateful to have such a spunky, strong willed daughter of our Heavenly Father (okay, so most days we are grateful! ;o)

Notice the space in his smile! I will upload a new image soon with two spaces!!

Cayden is turning into a great young man. He loves building things and creating new "inventions". He is very inquisitive and reads everything he sees and is doing really, really well.

He completed a few art camps this summer and loved it. He is ready to take on the second grade and is very excited to have Tim from down the street in his class.


Mara said...

It is fun to see what your kids are like. If you had stayed on Pebblecreek I am sure Jason and Cayden would have stayed great friends.

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

Wow, I really can't believe how old your kids are. . . I saw them last at Joe Lebel's farewell and they've each grown a foot it looks like, since then! They are beautiful I miss raising my kids with yours! xoxo, Sarah